About me

Ferian Anggara
An academic staff at Department of Geological Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jl. Grafika No. 2, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281 INDONESIA
Email: ferian@ugm.ac.id, ferian.anggara@gmail.com

Research interests:

  1. CO2-Geological Storage
  2. CO2-Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery (ECBMR)
  3. Coal Geology




  1. MEXT (Japanese Government-Monbukagakusho) Scholarship: Oct 2011-Sep 2014
  2. JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization): Oct 2010-Sep 2011
  3. Kyushu University Friendship Scholarship: Aug 2009-Jan 2010
  4. DIKTI (Indonesian General Directory of Higher Education): Sep.2009-Aug.2010
  5. Medco Foundation: 2003-2005

Working Experiences:

  1. Academic staff: January,2009-present
  2. Research assistant: April, 2008 – December 2009
  3. Exploration geologist, PT. Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC): April 2006 – March, 2008


  1. University of Queensland, Internship program, January-March 2013
  2. IEAGHG CCS Summer School, Tsinghua University, Beijing-China, Aug 2012
  3. Eclipse, Schlumberger Tokyo Office, 2012
  4. JENESYS, Kyushu University, October 2010-September 2011
  5. Resources Production and Safety Lab., Dept. of Earth Resources Engineering, Kyushu University, Internship program
  6. Geothermal Development-where Science and Technology Meet, UGM-The University of Auckland and GNS Science, NZ, 2010
  7. Core Logging-Issues of Importance to Pit Design/Operation, PT. KPC, September 2007
  8. Coal Bed Methane, Sampling Analysis Method, PT. KPC, August 2007
  9. Sequences Stratigraphy of Clastic Depositional Systems with an Emphasis on Deep Water Deposits, IAGI, December 2005
  10. Geoframe Fundamentals, Geology Office, ESX Seismic Interpretation, Introduction to CPS-3 (version 4.0.1), Schlumberger-Jakarta, June 2005


  1. Kushiro Coal Mine, Hokkaido-Japan, Nov 2011
  2. East Java Basin on shore, Indonesia, February-June 2005