October 2015- March 2016 : Provision of geology mapping services for Gunung Kembar
April 2015-November 2015 : Potential source of rare earth element (REE) from Sangatta coal, Kutai Timur, Kalimantan
April 2015-October 2015: Charcoal analysis to estimate paleo-temperature of Sundoro volcano pyroclastic deposit.
April 2015-November 2015 : Potential source of rare earth element (REE) from Sangatta coal, Kutai Timur, Kalimantan
2014-2015 : Geology, geophysics, reservoir, geomechanic and hydrogeology of CBM Suban I and II working area, South Sumatra.
2014-2015 : Geology, geophysics, reservoir, geomechanic and hydrogeology of CBM Tanjung, working area, South Kalimantan.
March–July 2010 : Joint evaluation CBM proposed working area South Sumatra Extention I (Kebur area)
July – September 2008 : Coal Bed Methane prospect and potential, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia Joint Evaluation West Ogan.
April 2006 – April 2008 : Exploration Geologist at PT Kaltim Prima Coal
February – June 2005 : East Java Basin On Shore (EJBON) Tectonostratigraphic Project.
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